Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad Geography

Logged: 7.5 miles
Race Countdown: 76 days

Hills in the last mile of a long run. Georgetown, you kill me sometimes!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in Action

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 79 days

Very excited to be back preparing for a new race: the ING Hartford Half Marathon in my home state! This past 4-month hiatus (from blogging, not running) was filled with thesis work, graduation, relocation and new beginnings. Goodbye, Michigan winter; hello, DC summer!

I decided to get another half marathon race under my belt before attempting a full one. The Hartford course is much flatter than Atlanta's so I am expecting to smoke my last race time. Training this time around will probably be more focused on speed, though I have not decided on a final goal time yet. I'm trying to set one that is challenging but not unrealistic.

Some facts of life learned since my last race:
- running marathons is NOT for those who want to lose weight, but IS for those (like yours truly) who love to eat
- chocolate milk is a delicious and nutritious post-run drink
- knee exercises, core workouts, and yoga stretches do wonders
- always blow your nose before starting a run, especially a long or intense one

Since moving to DC, I have been doing most of my runs outside. Running across the Key Bridge and down past the monuments after sunset is easily one of my favorite routes. You still feel the energy of the city without the heat of the sun, and the view is amazing!