Monday, March 30, 2009

ING Georgia Half Marathon


Back from Atlanta and my first half marathon race! After this experience, I wonder to myself why I never did any sports up through high school. Running a race is such an exhilarating rush!

I must admit I was a bundle of nerves and stress up until the moment the race began. My poor boyfriend took the brunt of my mood but he was a saint with putting up with it. Once my feet took off, though, all worries went out the window. The dark was hardly noticeable in the midst of the energy of 15,000 runners. My legs felt strong. There were no cramps or stomach pains of any kind. Even my shaky knees firmed up for those 13.1 miles.

I was previously worried about how effective my training was, especially since 95% of it was done inside on a treadmill. I don't know if it was the adrenaline or good preparation or what, but I felt strong and confident the entire way. That's not to say the race wasn't challenging. It definitely was, and it was very hilly! Around mile 10 I started to feel the fatigue and by the final stretch, I was full-out panting. But it all felt amazing! I knew that I was keeping a good pace and that my body was fully prepared. It was even more fun and exciting to run than I imagined!

So I originally wanted to finish the half marathon in under 2 hours, at an average 9min/mile pace. My actual time was 1:48:56. How awesome!

Overall, I don't think I could've asked for a better first race experience. I still haven't fully come down from the high -- either that or it still hasn't fully hit me yet. But I am already thinking about the next race I can run =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Final Stretch

Rest Day
Race Countdown: 2 days

Race weekend is here! I am a bundle of nerves. This week flew by and suddenly my mind is inundated with all these thoughts of things I should've prepared better. I am trying to relax but right now it's like that feeling you get right before you step onto the stage to give a big performance or important speech or something. Suddenly your mind goes blank and it's as if everything you've rehearsed just flew out the window. Well, at least I feel like that.

So this week I completely took advantage of loading up on carbs. Unfortunately, they were not all healthy carbs. Shame. Add that to the significant decrease in mileage and I am carrying around a bloated mass of blubber in my stomach. That probably plays a large part in this anxiety that I'm feeling. I should definitely have eaten more prudently and slept more this week. Coulda woulda shoulda.

Yoga didn't seem to do anything for calming my nerves. Should I get up and dance it out instead? We'll get a good night's sleep on that and decide in the morning.

Flight out to Atlanta at 1:30pm tomorrow. Race starts at 7:04am the next morning. Full report when I return on Monday!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the Dark

Logged: 3 miles
Race countdown: 5 days

Whose brilliant idea was it to start a marathon at 7:04 am? I consider myself a morning person but walking out the door this morning, the street lights were all aglow and the sun wasn't even awake yet! I don't know how I feel about starting a 13.1 mile run in the dark. Even more, I don't know what to wear!

Maybe I should've tested out the time of day earlier than the week of the race? Oh well. At least this week I am getting up at 6 am and falling asleep at 10 or 11 every day. It feels a little ridiculous, but hopefully by the time Sunday rolls around the dark won't feel as unnerving anymore.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Logged: 7 miles
Race Countdown: 8 days

Wow, the countdown is down to the single digits! March 29 seemed like a distant goal when I started out back in January. Now it is a mere week away. This whole process has opened my eyes to just how amazing our bodies can be. The first week of training my long run was 6 miles. This monday I did twice that distance (12 miles eek). Gosh, I still remember back in high school when even running a mile for the fitness test was a challenge.

9 weeks is not a very long time, but 60 days of diligent training has still been a testament of willpower. To be honest I've always been prone to hiding and rationalizing, and not just when it came to workouts. It was always easier to cancel prior engagements or skip going to the gym on a bad day. When I started training in January, I made the decision to stick to the schedule no matter what. The fact that I stayed true to that promise is remarkable and also greatly rewarding. I ran through everything -- stomach flus, broken hearts, sub-zero temperatures, bouts of depression, and simple laziness or fatigue. No excuses; no flaking.

I have grown a lot, not just in physical strength but maybe more importantly in mental strength.

This was the last hard week before the race. Now it's all about tapering. Lots of sleeping and eating and stretching and preparing in the final days!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wee Musings

Logged: 2+ miles
Race Countdown: 21 days

I have ugly runner's feet.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Watched Clock Never Lies?

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 22 days

It's 60 degrees and sunny today! Perfect running weather!

So I ran outside for the first time in a long time, and it was hard. I never have any idea what my pace is but it always feels like I'm huffing and puffing and trudging along too slowly. (Sidenote: why after all these years have I still not gotten around to getting a watch? Hm) Anyway, when I got home and checked the time, it seems that the 6 miles only took me aprox 52 minutes? Is that for real?

Must investigate further... or just keep running along blindly until race day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tired Report

Logged: 5k (3.1 miles)
Race Countdown: 24 days

Can't stop stress eating these days -- cookies, ice cream, cheesy things, salty things. I think I'm looking for some love & happiness but all that's at the bottom of the box are sugar and crumbs. Really need to learn a better way to channel my emotions but the novelty of running has even begun to fade. Mostly now it just makes me hungry.

Been battling some kind of viral infection for the past week that is causing my glands to swell and intense pain in my throat. My body is tired; my life is tired. Apologies for the debbie downer post.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Logged: 9 miles
Race Countdown: 26 days

Well spring break is over. Did it even happen? Things have been pretty monotonous lately. The most exciting news to report are my 9-mile run this morning (9:03min/mile pace including warm-up & cool down) and then the amazingly delicious smoked salmon and melted cheese on whole wheat toast sandwich that I made myself for lunch.

Good food and good runs are the highlights of my days.