Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Keep running to keep young

Cross Train
Race Countdown: 86 days

Adding to the list of motivations to keep running even when all you want to do is curl up in bed:

"There are plenty of reasons to exercise...but the effect that regular activity may have on cellular aging could turn out to be the most profound.... One could speculate that any form of intense exercise that is regularly performed over a long period of time will improve telomere biology, meaning that with enough activity, each of us could outpace the passing years."

Maybe the next time I toy with my "too busy to run today" idea, I'll remember that taking that 60 minutes out of my day could add years to my life.


saundra said...

I will remind myself of this when I don't want to get up for my early-morning workouts. It gets hard sometimes!
It would be cool to see you in DC at MCM!

Heather said...

Definitely a good reason to keep running!