Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Compassion, After All

Logged: 2 miles
Race Countdown: 59 days

Booked my flight and hotel this morning! So relieved the total cost came out to be very cheap. Atlanta, here I come =)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lapse in Judgment

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 61 days

Running regularly usually does wonders for curbing my cravings, but it does speed up my metabolism, making me hungry every couple of hours. After my morning workout today, I tried really hard to exihibit some level of self control. No use racking up those miles if you're just going to eat it all back, right? Plus, getting to work on my already-behind thesis should definitely take precedence over satisfying my gluttonous urges. Yes, choosing work over pigging out is the epitome of responsibility.

Except by 5pm I became so hungry that my hands were literally shaking. It probably would have been a good idea to eat some healthy carbs or lean meat and protein to help replenish my fatigued muscles. But the only things in my boyfriend's fridge were a leftover burrito and birthday cake. So delicious at the time... so killing my stomach an hour later.

Supposedly you burn about 100 calories for every mile you run (though I usually subtract some from that number being significantly smaller than the "average" American). Reminder to self: this does not mean you can/should eat whatever you want!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rusting Knees

Rest Day
Race Countdown: 62 days

Rest days make me feel...restless. How ironic. It was 3 degrees outside on my drive home last night. That is not a habitable temperature as far as I am concerned. So today I stayed in my pjs all day. The farthest I got was from the couch to the kitchen to the bathroom and back. Though I did make slightly more stride on readings for my classes. It's fortunate that South African history isn't thousands of years long, but this book still manages to put me to sleep!

My knees are already starting to bother me again, especially when I sit for extended periods of time or when I climb stairs too quickly. I started doing some exercises to strengthen them but not sure yet how much those will help. Why do I have the bones and joints of an 80-year-old??

P.S. Priceline and I are not getting along. Flight and hotel prices for my trip just upped 100 bucks. Boo, so much for consideration.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Feeling Anxious

Logged: 5 miles
Race Countdown: 63 days

For some reason the intensity of this first week of training has felt very low. I used to do 4-5 mile runs about 3 times a week. This week I ran 13 miles total, which is pretty much the same amount, but it feels like I barely did anything. The runs were split up into a 6-mile long run, 2-mile easy run, and 5-mile tempo run. I did the 6 miles on Monday and 5 miles on Friday, which is probably why it felt like such a long break. Anywho, I'm trying to be diligent and patient to avoid injuries and burning out too early. I'm sure once week 7 or 8 rolls around, I will be yearning for easy weeks like these!

Travel plans are not going as smoothly. Since I have a friend who goes to Emory, this seemed like a great chance to catch up with her and save some money on hotels. Unfortunately, she will be out of town that weekend. Boo for bad timing. I did manage to find a decent deal on a flight + hotel (only $261 for roundtrip flight and 2 nights) and was all set to book until... I opened my wallet and found a missing slot where my bank card is supposed to be! Apparently, it got lost somewhere at the gas pump earlier yesterday. Damn it all! I always choose the best times to be a complete scatterbrain.

I'm going to the bank today to apply for a new card, but I'm worried that the cheap vacation package will disappear before it comes. Please Priceline, have some consideration for a poor college student!

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day!

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 68 days

The first official day of my 10 week training for the Georgia Half Marathon. I have to admit that I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to running in cold weather. Most of it can probably be blamed on my aversion for wearing hats and the lack of a watch to help keep time and pace, but battling the bitter cold of Michigan winters becomes particularly unappealling when there is a perfectly good treadmill in the gym just a half mile away. Plus, I oddly enjoy watching the numbers tick away on the treadmill screen and knowing exactly how far and how fast I am going. Your typical Type A personality :)

Today, invigorated by the start of my training and a (somewhat reluctant) running buddy, I mustered up the courage to do my 6 mile long run outside. It was a chilling 19 degrees, but considering that temperatures have been in the sub-zero range for the past week, I was content with anything in the double digits. I quickly realized the two suckiest factors of running in the winter: wind chill and unshoveled sidewalks. After slipping and sliding in the slush and ice for an hour, the thought of running 13.1 miles on flat pavement seems much less strenuous!

The run itself was actually not difficult at all. 6 miles was not much more than my regular 4/5 mile runs so my body did not feel too fatigued or overworked. The cold and the snow were what killed me. Almost the entire last 4 miles were facing against the wind and I berated myself for stubbornly not wearing a hat. When I got back home, it didn't much feel like I had just run 6 miles. Well, I actually couldn't feel much of anything except for the need for a long, hot shower!

So my half marathon preparations begin. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I feel like it will be a while before I am ready to battle that wind chill again. Things to do in the meantime: drink hot soup and buy a hat!