Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rusting Knees

Rest Day
Race Countdown: 62 days

Rest days make me feel...restless. How ironic. It was 3 degrees outside on my drive home last night. That is not a habitable temperature as far as I am concerned. So today I stayed in my pjs all day. The farthest I got was from the couch to the kitchen to the bathroom and back. Though I did make slightly more stride on readings for my classes. It's fortunate that South African history isn't thousands of years long, but this book still manages to put me to sleep!

My knees are already starting to bother me again, especially when I sit for extended periods of time or when I climb stairs too quickly. I started doing some exercises to strengthen them but not sure yet how much those will help. Why do I have the bones and joints of an 80-year-old??

P.S. Priceline and I are not getting along. Flight and hotel prices for my trip just upped 100 bucks. Boo, so much for consideration.

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