Friday, February 20, 2009

The Bug!

Sick Day
Race Countdown: 37 days

Craaaap. Literally. I have the stomach flu. No wonder my workouts were feeling so taxing for the past week.

Miraculously, I have still been keeping up with my scheduled runs up until now. It helps tremendously that this is my taper week so there's only three 4-mile runs. However, after running 2 miles and walking the rest of the way on Wednesday, my body has been consumed by vomit and dehydration. The only things I've eaten in the past 48 hours are one yogurt, a small portion of porridge, a few spoons of apple sauce, and some saltine crackers.

My health has suddenly turned to shit. I can't recall eating a single real meal in the past two weeks. What to do?? Should I still do my 4 miles tomorrow? Even when just walking from the living room to the bathroom makes me feel nauseous and fatigued?

I need to get better soon. The fact that I have dropped so much weight might have at one point filled me with sadistic glee and false self-confidence; now it is just filling me with worry. I will take hearty and healthy over skinny and sickly any day! Thankfully, I am going home to visit the parents on Monday for a week of spring break(up) getaway. My mom's cooking is certain to kill any stomach virus diet!

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