Friday, February 13, 2009

Not So Hot, Hot, Hot

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 43 days

Tough 6-mile tempo run today. Usually my body can jump quickly into running mode as soon as my feet push off. Even during hard runs my breathing is still easy, the adrenaline is pumping, and it feels good to push my body. I never get that feeling anymore like I'm going to die. Today, I felt like death.

What is that quote about breakups being good for the economy? I can't remember right now but it must be from Sex and the City, which means it must be true. Carrie Bradshaw -- like the New York Times -- never lies.

This week I spent:
$100 by going grocery shopping 3 times (and it's only Friday)
$25 to take my car out of the parking garage in order to drive to said grocery store
$15 at various coffee shops in exchange for tea, free parking and a no-crying zone
$37 for mindless entertainment in the form of books and movies

This week I did not:
- go to class
- hydrate
- change clothes (much)
- eat real meals
- eat. period.
- stop running

Happy to announce, however, that my appetite might be making a comeback. I'm also considering changing my training schedule to lengthen my long runs (up to 10 miles at least) and to include more hill workouts. It's good to know that despite everything, at least my running is still on track. The rest, like the economy, can only go up from here.

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