Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Curse or Coincidence?

Logged: 7 miles
Race Countdown: 46 days

Race preparations begin --> something heartbreaking and difficult occurs in my personal life. This is starting to seem like a pattern. Maybe it's the universe's way of testing my will power--or just some cruel joke?

After a long and agonizingly exhausting Sunday night, I took a day off from everything on Monday and stayed in bed for a good 20 something hours. Woke up rejuvenated this morning and went for a 6:30am pre-work run. The temperature is so much cooler before sunrise! I am determined to turn grief into gain.

Speaking of gains, spent 4 hours at the pool this weekend, alternating between swimming laps and studying gmat. Swimming is my cross train of choice these days--at least for as long as the weather permits. Getting a killer tan is just the cherry on the sundae =)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

No turning back now

Logged: 3 miles
Race Countdown: 51 days

"Dear Julia,

Congratulations! You are now registered for ING Hartford Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K."

Was finally able to cough up $60 and officially register. Woohoo! Race is ON!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad Geography

Logged: 7.5 miles
Race Countdown: 76 days

Hills in the last mile of a long run. Georgetown, you kill me sometimes!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in Action

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 79 days

Very excited to be back preparing for a new race: the ING Hartford Half Marathon in my home state! This past 4-month hiatus (from blogging, not running) was filled with thesis work, graduation, relocation and new beginnings. Goodbye, Michigan winter; hello, DC summer!

I decided to get another half marathon race under my belt before attempting a full one. The Hartford course is much flatter than Atlanta's so I am expecting to smoke my last race time. Training this time around will probably be more focused on speed, though I have not decided on a final goal time yet. I'm trying to set one that is challenging but not unrealistic.

Some facts of life learned since my last race:
- running marathons is NOT for those who want to lose weight, but IS for those (like yours truly) who love to eat
- chocolate milk is a delicious and nutritious post-run drink
- knee exercises, core workouts, and yoga stretches do wonders
- always blow your nose before starting a run, especially a long or intense one

Since moving to DC, I have been doing most of my runs outside. Running across the Key Bridge and down past the monuments after sunset is easily one of my favorite routes. You still feel the energy of the city without the heat of the sun, and the view is amazing!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Post-Race Fatigue

Logged: 5 miles

Here's the dilemma: what should my running schedule look like now that I am not training for a race?

It seems like this shouldn't be a problem since I have been running for years now and only training for 10 weeks. But I am really having difficulty remembering what my running schedule used to be like. Maybe I'm approaching it all wrong. Maybe it's not about returning to the way things used to be. My stamina and speed have both improved noticeably since running this race. So I guess what I need to do now is devise an entirely new regimen. The completion of the training process has just thrown off my rhythm a bit.

Even though running the race didn't feel excruciatingly tiring at the time, it has been becoming more clear in the days following that it was a challenge for my body. My lower back, left hip and thigh are all experiencing some serious pain. Ouch. I have been hobbling around like an 80-year-old grandma haha.

Monday, March 30, 2009

ING Georgia Half Marathon


Back from Atlanta and my first half marathon race! After this experience, I wonder to myself why I never did any sports up through high school. Running a race is such an exhilarating rush!

I must admit I was a bundle of nerves and stress up until the moment the race began. My poor boyfriend took the brunt of my mood but he was a saint with putting up with it. Once my feet took off, though, all worries went out the window. The dark was hardly noticeable in the midst of the energy of 15,000 runners. My legs felt strong. There were no cramps or stomach pains of any kind. Even my shaky knees firmed up for those 13.1 miles.

I was previously worried about how effective my training was, especially since 95% of it was done inside on a treadmill. I don't know if it was the adrenaline or good preparation or what, but I felt strong and confident the entire way. That's not to say the race wasn't challenging. It definitely was, and it was very hilly! Around mile 10 I started to feel the fatigue and by the final stretch, I was full-out panting. But it all felt amazing! I knew that I was keeping a good pace and that my body was fully prepared. It was even more fun and exciting to run than I imagined!

So I originally wanted to finish the half marathon in under 2 hours, at an average 9min/mile pace. My actual time was 1:48:56. How awesome!

Overall, I don't think I could've asked for a better first race experience. I still haven't fully come down from the high -- either that or it still hasn't fully hit me yet. But I am already thinking about the next race I can run =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Final Stretch

Rest Day
Race Countdown: 2 days

Race weekend is here! I am a bundle of nerves. This week flew by and suddenly my mind is inundated with all these thoughts of things I should've prepared better. I am trying to relax but right now it's like that feeling you get right before you step onto the stage to give a big performance or important speech or something. Suddenly your mind goes blank and it's as if everything you've rehearsed just flew out the window. Well, at least I feel like that.

So this week I completely took advantage of loading up on carbs. Unfortunately, they were not all healthy carbs. Shame. Add that to the significant decrease in mileage and I am carrying around a bloated mass of blubber in my stomach. That probably plays a large part in this anxiety that I'm feeling. I should definitely have eaten more prudently and slept more this week. Coulda woulda shoulda.

Yoga didn't seem to do anything for calming my nerves. Should I get up and dance it out instead? We'll get a good night's sleep on that and decide in the morning.

Flight out to Atlanta at 1:30pm tomorrow. Race starts at 7:04am the next morning. Full report when I return on Monday!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the Dark

Logged: 3 miles
Race countdown: 5 days

Whose brilliant idea was it to start a marathon at 7:04 am? I consider myself a morning person but walking out the door this morning, the street lights were all aglow and the sun wasn't even awake yet! I don't know how I feel about starting a 13.1 mile run in the dark. Even more, I don't know what to wear!

Maybe I should've tested out the time of day earlier than the week of the race? Oh well. At least this week I am getting up at 6 am and falling asleep at 10 or 11 every day. It feels a little ridiculous, but hopefully by the time Sunday rolls around the dark won't feel as unnerving anymore.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Logged: 7 miles
Race Countdown: 8 days

Wow, the countdown is down to the single digits! March 29 seemed like a distant goal when I started out back in January. Now it is a mere week away. This whole process has opened my eyes to just how amazing our bodies can be. The first week of training my long run was 6 miles. This monday I did twice that distance (12 miles eek). Gosh, I still remember back in high school when even running a mile for the fitness test was a challenge.

9 weeks is not a very long time, but 60 days of diligent training has still been a testament of willpower. To be honest I've always been prone to hiding and rationalizing, and not just when it came to workouts. It was always easier to cancel prior engagements or skip going to the gym on a bad day. When I started training in January, I made the decision to stick to the schedule no matter what. The fact that I stayed true to that promise is remarkable and also greatly rewarding. I ran through everything -- stomach flus, broken hearts, sub-zero temperatures, bouts of depression, and simple laziness or fatigue. No excuses; no flaking.

I have grown a lot, not just in physical strength but maybe more importantly in mental strength.

This was the last hard week before the race. Now it's all about tapering. Lots of sleeping and eating and stretching and preparing in the final days!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wee Musings

Logged: 2+ miles
Race Countdown: 21 days

I have ugly runner's feet.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Watched Clock Never Lies?

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 22 days

It's 60 degrees and sunny today! Perfect running weather!

So I ran outside for the first time in a long time, and it was hard. I never have any idea what my pace is but it always feels like I'm huffing and puffing and trudging along too slowly. (Sidenote: why after all these years have I still not gotten around to getting a watch? Hm) Anyway, when I got home and checked the time, it seems that the 6 miles only took me aprox 52 minutes? Is that for real?

Must investigate further... or just keep running along blindly until race day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tired Report

Logged: 5k (3.1 miles)
Race Countdown: 24 days

Can't stop stress eating these days -- cookies, ice cream, cheesy things, salty things. I think I'm looking for some love & happiness but all that's at the bottom of the box are sugar and crumbs. Really need to learn a better way to channel my emotions but the novelty of running has even begun to fade. Mostly now it just makes me hungry.

Been battling some kind of viral infection for the past week that is causing my glands to swell and intense pain in my throat. My body is tired; my life is tired. Apologies for the debbie downer post.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Logged: 9 miles
Race Countdown: 26 days

Well spring break is over. Did it even happen? Things have been pretty monotonous lately. The most exciting news to report are my 9-mile run this morning (9:03min/mile pace including warm-up & cool down) and then the amazingly delicious smoked salmon and melted cheese on whole wheat toast sandwich that I made myself for lunch.

Good food and good runs are the highlights of my days.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Put this in your pipe

Logged: 3.1 miles
Race Countdown: 31 days

Did another 5k run today and shaved 50 secs off my last time.

24:10! woohoo!

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Bug!

Sick Day
Race Countdown: 37 days

Craaaap. Literally. I have the stomach flu. No wonder my workouts were feeling so taxing for the past week.

Miraculously, I have still been keeping up with my scheduled runs up until now. It helps tremendously that this is my taper week so there's only three 4-mile runs. However, after running 2 miles and walking the rest of the way on Wednesday, my body has been consumed by vomit and dehydration. The only things I've eaten in the past 48 hours are one yogurt, a small portion of porridge, a few spoons of apple sauce, and some saltine crackers.

My health has suddenly turned to shit. I can't recall eating a single real meal in the past two weeks. What to do?? Should I still do my 4 miles tomorrow? Even when just walking from the living room to the bathroom makes me feel nauseous and fatigued?

I need to get better soon. The fact that I have dropped so much weight might have at one point filled me with sadistic glee and false self-confidence; now it is just filling me with worry. I will take hearty and healthy over skinny and sickly any day! Thankfully, I am going home to visit the parents on Monday for a week of spring break(up) getaway. My mom's cooking is certain to kill any stomach virus diet!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Not So Hot, Hot, Hot

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 43 days

Tough 6-mile tempo run today. Usually my body can jump quickly into running mode as soon as my feet push off. Even during hard runs my breathing is still easy, the adrenaline is pumping, and it feels good to push my body. I never get that feeling anymore like I'm going to die. Today, I felt like death.

What is that quote about breakups being good for the economy? I can't remember right now but it must be from Sex and the City, which means it must be true. Carrie Bradshaw -- like the New York Times -- never lies.

This week I spent:
$100 by going grocery shopping 3 times (and it's only Friday)
$25 to take my car out of the parking garage in order to drive to said grocery store
$15 at various coffee shops in exchange for tea, free parking and a no-crying zone
$37 for mindless entertainment in the form of books and movies

This week I did not:
- go to class
- hydrate
- change clothes (much)
- eat real meals
- eat. period.
- stop running

Happy to announce, however, that my appetite might be making a comeback. I'm also considering changing my training schedule to lengthen my long runs (up to 10 miles at least) and to include more hill workouts. It's good to know that despite everything, at least my running is still on track. The rest, like the economy, can only go up from here.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Personal Best

Logged: 5 miles
Race Countdown: 50 days

I set a new personal best time today: 5k in 25 mins. Felt really good!

I lowered my goal time for the half marathon to 2 hours. That's a pace of slightly more than 9 min/mile. I'm really not sure if I'll be able to do it that fast, but my original goal time of 2 hours and 10 minutes didn't feel challenging enough. Anyway, it's not so much about how fast I can run it as just completing the race in general. I heard the Atlanta course is a little hilly so that makes me a little nervous. But maybe if my body is feeling good and all the stars are aligned, I could do it in 2 hours or less.

I started doing some yoga to help stretch and loosen my muscles, especially in my hips and back. My back has been aching recently. Next week my mileage goes up to 17 miles and my running days increase from 3 to 4 days a week. Plowing on...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sorry, Body

Logged: 7 miles
Race Countdown: 54 days

This is an apology letter to my body. Dear body, sorry I didn't love you so.

This past week was definitely a testament to the fact that mental and physical health are linked. Many things are stressing me out - looming thesis deadlines, lack of post-grad plans, broken laptop (fixed today, thank god!), arguments, general down-and-out things, etc. etc. etc. I must admit that I am guilty of stress eating and basically resorted to an all-carb + sugar diet. Because who needs a career when you have chocolate?

Well, my body has decided to fight back! Its weapons of choice? Sore muscles and narcolepsy. Chronic fatigue is awfully unpleasant, especially when I am already sleeping well past my morning alarm. My 7-mile run today was more strenuous than it should have been. I could hear my body yelling the entire time.

Isn't it convenient that both joy and frustration can be used as an excuse to break out the ben & jerry's you secretly stashed in the freezer? Or maybe that's just me. In any case, I have resolved to return to a healthy, gluttony-free diet for the next 2 months of training. It would probably be a good idea to avoid future arguments like this if my body and I are going to coexist for the entire 13.1 miles.

Yesterday I spent 2.5 hours (yes, that's how long it takes me to thoroughly walk every aisle of Trader Joe's and Whole Foods) grocery shopping. It was glorious - more so for my body, less so for my wallet. Good food is and always will be the one thing I never hesitate to splurge on. It's just worth it. Bring on the fiber and protein!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Compassion, After All

Logged: 2 miles
Race Countdown: 59 days

Booked my flight and hotel this morning! So relieved the total cost came out to be very cheap. Atlanta, here I come =)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lapse in Judgment

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 61 days

Running regularly usually does wonders for curbing my cravings, but it does speed up my metabolism, making me hungry every couple of hours. After my morning workout today, I tried really hard to exihibit some level of self control. No use racking up those miles if you're just going to eat it all back, right? Plus, getting to work on my already-behind thesis should definitely take precedence over satisfying my gluttonous urges. Yes, choosing work over pigging out is the epitome of responsibility.

Except by 5pm I became so hungry that my hands were literally shaking. It probably would have been a good idea to eat some healthy carbs or lean meat and protein to help replenish my fatigued muscles. But the only things in my boyfriend's fridge were a leftover burrito and birthday cake. So delicious at the time... so killing my stomach an hour later.

Supposedly you burn about 100 calories for every mile you run (though I usually subtract some from that number being significantly smaller than the "average" American). Reminder to self: this does not mean you can/should eat whatever you want!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rusting Knees

Rest Day
Race Countdown: 62 days

Rest days make me feel...restless. How ironic. It was 3 degrees outside on my drive home last night. That is not a habitable temperature as far as I am concerned. So today I stayed in my pjs all day. The farthest I got was from the couch to the kitchen to the bathroom and back. Though I did make slightly more stride on readings for my classes. It's fortunate that South African history isn't thousands of years long, but this book still manages to put me to sleep!

My knees are already starting to bother me again, especially when I sit for extended periods of time or when I climb stairs too quickly. I started doing some exercises to strengthen them but not sure yet how much those will help. Why do I have the bones and joints of an 80-year-old??

P.S. Priceline and I are not getting along. Flight and hotel prices for my trip just upped 100 bucks. Boo, so much for consideration.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Feeling Anxious

Logged: 5 miles
Race Countdown: 63 days

For some reason the intensity of this first week of training has felt very low. I used to do 4-5 mile runs about 3 times a week. This week I ran 13 miles total, which is pretty much the same amount, but it feels like I barely did anything. The runs were split up into a 6-mile long run, 2-mile easy run, and 5-mile tempo run. I did the 6 miles on Monday and 5 miles on Friday, which is probably why it felt like such a long break. Anywho, I'm trying to be diligent and patient to avoid injuries and burning out too early. I'm sure once week 7 or 8 rolls around, I will be yearning for easy weeks like these!

Travel plans are not going as smoothly. Since I have a friend who goes to Emory, this seemed like a great chance to catch up with her and save some money on hotels. Unfortunately, she will be out of town that weekend. Boo for bad timing. I did manage to find a decent deal on a flight + hotel (only $261 for roundtrip flight and 2 nights) and was all set to book until... I opened my wallet and found a missing slot where my bank card is supposed to be! Apparently, it got lost somewhere at the gas pump earlier yesterday. Damn it all! I always choose the best times to be a complete scatterbrain.

I'm going to the bank today to apply for a new card, but I'm worried that the cheap vacation package will disappear before it comes. Please Priceline, have some consideration for a poor college student!

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day!

Logged: 6 miles
Race Countdown: 68 days

The first official day of my 10 week training for the Georgia Half Marathon. I have to admit that I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to running in cold weather. Most of it can probably be blamed on my aversion for wearing hats and the lack of a watch to help keep time and pace, but battling the bitter cold of Michigan winters becomes particularly unappealling when there is a perfectly good treadmill in the gym just a half mile away. Plus, I oddly enjoy watching the numbers tick away on the treadmill screen and knowing exactly how far and how fast I am going. Your typical Type A personality :)

Today, invigorated by the start of my training and a (somewhat reluctant) running buddy, I mustered up the courage to do my 6 mile long run outside. It was a chilling 19 degrees, but considering that temperatures have been in the sub-zero range for the past week, I was content with anything in the double digits. I quickly realized the two suckiest factors of running in the winter: wind chill and unshoveled sidewalks. After slipping and sliding in the slush and ice for an hour, the thought of running 13.1 miles on flat pavement seems much less strenuous!

The run itself was actually not difficult at all. 6 miles was not much more than my regular 4/5 mile runs so my body did not feel too fatigued or overworked. The cold and the snow were what killed me. Almost the entire last 4 miles were facing against the wind and I berated myself for stubbornly not wearing a hat. When I got back home, it didn't much feel like I had just run 6 miles. Well, I actually couldn't feel much of anything except for the need for a long, hot shower!

So my half marathon preparations begin. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I feel like it will be a while before I am ready to battle that wind chill again. Things to do in the meantime: drink hot soup and buy a hat!